Drug & Alcohol Detox Near Atlanta
(678) 928-6557

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(678) 928-6557

Detox For Co-occurring Disorders Near Atlanta

Specific disorders, like depression and PTSD, are commonly a trigger for substance abuse. If that’s the situation for you, you’ll be in a better place to conquer your addiction if you obtain guidance for your co-occurring mental disorder, as well. Sunrise delivers support for substance detox and co-occurring disorders in Atlanta. Contact us at (678) 928-6557 today to get help and safely detox from habit-forming drugs or alcohol.

Treatment For Withdrawal And Co-occurring Disorders Near Atlanta

Sunrise Detox Alpharetta provides detox services for adults as the opening step to alcohol or drug recovery. Addiction treatment commences with an appraisal to increase our understanding of your present condition, medical history, and if you suffer from any co-occurring disorders. Your individualized care plan will help you detox with diminished withdrawal symptoms and will support your mental health.

Medical Care Throughout Detox

Your safety is our top concern. Throughout detox, our skilled practitioners will follow your core vitals and keep you as comfortable as we can. We dispense evidence-based medications to mitigate your discomfort, carefully tracking dosage levels and frequency to prevent the onset of a secondary addiction. We provide all your fundamental needs, including cozy living quarters and well-balanced dining. Our expertly devised schedule offers you ample rest. We care for you for the span of detox until you are medically approved to take the next step to a lower level of care in your recovery.

Mental Health Care During Detox

During detox, our chief concern is your physical well-being. But, we support you as a in a well-rounded manner and know that detox and the strain of withdrawal could cause stress or trigger underlying mental illness. Our therapists are here to supply emotional guidance and help you control your mental health for a better detox experience.

If you are taking prescription drugs, we will make sure you receive them when needed. We have team members on-site 24/7 to assist you and reply to questions. We also offer the following voluntary therapy and support groups:

  • Individual therapy to speak in private with a credentialed therapist
  • Group therapy with a counselor leading group sessions
  • Peer support groups with knowledgeable participants who can provide insights about addiction recovery

If you’re feeling well enough, therapy can help you begin to sort through the mental health difficulties that caused your substance use. Sunrise is glad to give you this foundation for improved mental health. If you’re set you would like to take control of your substance use and mental health, call (678) 928-6557 now for prompt assistance.

Co-occurring Disorders We Manage During Detox

Sunrise offers detox options in conjunction with treatment for a range of co-occurring disorders in Atlanta. We realize that your mental health is often linked to your substance use and should never be overlooked during detox. If you have any of these conditions, we can help.


Depression may have caused you to consume addictive drugs or alcohol, but it doesn’t need to hinder your recovery. Sunrise Detox Alpharetta will assist you in taking the opening step of detox while being cognizant of the thoughts of depression. If you are using anti-depressants, we will help you follow your medication regimen over the course of detox.


Withdrawal can cause feelings of anxiety to escalate. Our practitioners are here to provide emotional support and help you feel protected while you detox from alcohol or drugs. We’ll make certain you get the medication you need to keep your anxiety under control and successfully get through detox.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder creates unique obstacles for individuals undergoing addiction recovery. Our experienced clinicians understand those challenges and are ready to support you however you need during detox.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

After trying to manage your PTSD with addictive substances, detox can sound alarming. The staff at Sunrise makes every effort to keep you comfortable and protected in our welcoming residential environment.

Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

If ADHD has impeded your efforts to give up alcohol or drugs before, the Sunrise Detox Alpharetta clinicians will assist. We offer a safe, drug-free facility to shield you from the triggers to consume addictive substances as you detox.

Why Go To Sunrise For Treating Co-occurring Disorders And Addiction Near Atlanta

Contacting Sunrise Detox Alpharetta ought to be your opening step in gaining your life back from addiction in Atlanta. Since substance use and mental health disorders must be addressed simultaneously, we do everything possible to help you complete detox and progress in your journey to addiction recovery. To set you up for success, we offer

  • Evidence-based medical treatment for withdrawal
  • Noncompulsory mental health treatment
  • Optional peer support sessions
  • Personalized care designed specifically for you
  • Nicely furnished bedroom with private bath
  • An inviting, peaceful living environment
  • Balanced, chef-made meals and refreshments
  • A flexible schedule to encourage recovery and rest
  • Community areas and leisure activities
  • Safeguarding from environmental and social triggers for drug or alcohol use
  • Absolute patient privacy and confidentiality
  • Aftercare planning before release
  • Assistance with billing and insurance questions
  • Dignified, respectful support from compassionate staff

Call Today For Help With Substance Use And Co-occurring Disorders Near Atlanta

You have a right to help for alcohol and drug use and co-occurring disorders. Sunrise is here to provide it. Call (678) 928-6557 or fill out the contact form below, and we will reply right away to get you started at our detox facility. We are ready to help at all hours, 365 days a year.