Drug & Alcohol Detox Near Atlanta
(678) 928-6557

All Calls Are Confidential

(678) 928-6557


"Reflections from the Inside" Video Message

February 16, 2020

Need Detox Right Now?

Sunrise Detox is opening in Alpharetta, Georgia in January, but we can help you right now in one of our 4 other Joint Commission-approved treatment centers in Florida and New Jersey.

We’ll get you into your new and improved life quicker than you think is possible. That's our commitment to you: follow our program, keep an open mind, and we’ll do more than our part to help you succeed.

Detox Is The First Step Towards Recovery

A Medical Detox is a required first step for most treatment programs, and Sunrise Detox is your best choice for a safe, comfortable "Detox with Dignity".

Sunrise has helped over 70,000 clients detox in a comfortable, supportive environment designed from the ground up to support you in your early recovery. We know that the best chance of a strong recovery starts with a comfortable, respectable detox.

Over 850 treatment centers have trusted us with the medical detox step. Start here, and we'll help you every step of the way. Call today! (678) 928-6557